Portfolio - SalonJunky
A key feature of this site is its use of discount/promotional codes. This facility allows the administrators to setup both fixed price and percentage discount codes which can be set to be either single or multiple use and can be either time limited or open ended. The time limited codes can have both start and end dates to allow discount codes to run for specified durations, e.g. to fit in with marketing campaigns.
As well as administrator generated codes, when a user registers with the SalonJunky site they are issued with a single use, time limited code as a "thank you". This code is emailed to the new user and needs no intervention from SalonJunky.
The administration suite allows the site administrator to generate a variety of reports to aid with monitoring and reviewing all aspects of the discount codes which assists the effective monitoring of advertising campaigns.
Unfortunately due to other commitments by the owners, SalonJunky has now ceased trading.